Update – October 14, 2015 22

We hoped to run our first commercial test with our new manufacturing partner on Thursday.

This is going to be delayed 3-4 weeks as we are making some engineering changes to fit our products on the production line.  An autumn launch is looking a bit ambitious.  Keep the faith and we’ll keep you posted and get back in production ASAP.

Working on RYKRISP manufacturing

Working on RYKRISP manufacturing

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22 thoughts on “Update – October 14, 2015

  • Kathy

    It would be awesome if you started making RYKRISP again! I love the seasoned variety. Even when it was in production, I had a hard time finding it. When I went to visit family, they had it there. I would save room in my suitcase to bring a bunch back. This last visit, no RYKRISP!
    That’s when I found it had been discontinued. How sad!

    • tleavitt Post author

      It’s looking ambitious, but we are making some manufacturing investments to get our partner’s line better able to produce RYKRISP. Christmas then does come quickly! The retailers sure let us know that. Thanks for staying in touch. Ted

  • Fern

    So glad you are taking this on!! RYKRISP is the best!! And my hope is you will continue the seasoned RYKRISP. I had it for breakfast daily, with PB or Creamed cheese – and still have it once in a while from my stash of RYKRISP!!
    Fern Keniston

    • tleavitt Post author

      Fern – we will definitely have seasoned at the outset. It is the best seller of the line. Actually our plan is to continue all five items — light rye, natural, seasoned, sesame, multigrain and hopefully add variations in size and flavor in the future. Ted

  • chris mckillip

    cannot find anywhere to buy the original seasoned RYKRISP crackers. I live in Auburn, california….can you locate a source for me? thanks!

    • tleavitt Post author

      As per some previous replies by us (apologies for being repetitive), we are out of distribution at the moment, as we bought the company without the production. Thus the product left the shelves, and we’re working on moving the manufacturing to a place that can produce it for us (not an easy process). Do sign up here for updates, and we will keep you posted. California is a priority market for us. Thx. Ted

  • Carolyn Tibbles

    Please get original RYKRISP back into the Denver area market! These crackers are a long-time favorite of our family, and I’ve been hunting for then everywhere, even while on vacation!

    Thanks for saving RYKRISP!

    • tleavitt Post author

      Fred – Natural is definitely a keeper. Seasoned is the #1 seller but Natural, Sesame, and Light Rye all do well. We need to give Multi-Grain a small boost, which we’ll try to do 🙂

    • tleavitt Post author

      Shooting for mid January. Will have better sense after next week’s trial and will update then. Do you have a recipe you’d be happy to share…if different from the one on the “Seasoned” box?

  • Dee

    Love seasoned RYKRISP – especially with sardines or smoked clams! Devastated that our local stores told us it had been discontinued. So very glad to hear it will be back in 2016. Please contact Super One and Safeway in Colville, Wa, when it’s available. Their suppliers are out of Spokane, WA. Can’t wait!!!!!

  • John Liming

    I was heartbroken when I went to all three of the major food chains here in Ohio and could not find RYKRISP crackers. I am 77-years-old (78 in July) and I have been eating these crackers regularly (sometimes plain and sometimes with cream cheese) ever since I was a young man and if I am not mistaken my Mom loved them even before me. If there is a chance that I might crunch down on some more Ry Krisp before I kick the big one, I will be overwhelmed with indescribable joy.

    • tleavitt Post author

      John – coming back soon and glad to see you are savvy enough to have signed up for updates. You’ll get the info you need that way. All the best, Ted