Rye and Benefits to Diabetics 4

The World's Healthiest Foods

The World’s Healthiest Foods

New learning for the day re RYKRISP and benefits for diabetics. One of our fans wrote us saying, “RYKRISP are the only crackers I eat as a diabetic. They fit into my food plan better than any other cracker. They are whole grain, high fiber, and lower calories than most other crackers. This makes them ideal for diabetics.” We didn’t know the exact reasoning, but then read the following from whfoods.org.

A Better Grain Choice for Persons with Diabetes

Rye bread may be a better choice than wheat bread for persons with diabetes. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that bread made from wheat triggers a greater insulin response than rye bread does. Finnish researchers at the University of Kupio compared the effects of eating refined wheat bread with endosperm rye bread, traditional rye bread and high fiber rye bread on several markers of blood sugar control including plasma glucose, insulin, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1), and serum C-peptide in 19 healthy post-menopausal women. (GIP and GLP1 are hormones secreted within the gastrointestinal tract during meals that boost the effects of insulin; c-peptide is a marker of insulin secretion.) All of these markers were evaluated in blood samples taken both before and after the women ate each of the breads. Results showed that after the women had eaten any of the rye breads, their insulin, GIP and C-peptide responses were significantly lower than after they ate wheat bread. Among the different rye breads, however, no significant differences were seen in insulin and C-peptide response despite their varying levels of fiber. Researchers felt this lower after-meal insulin response could, therefore, not be attributed only to the fiber content of the rye breads, but was also due to the fact that the starch granules in rye bread form a less porous and mechanically firmer matrix than in wheat bread. This would translate into a much greater particle size being swallowed when rye bread is eaten compared to wheat, which would slow the rate at which the starch could be digested into sugar.
Fiber Fights Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease and Promotes Gastrointestinal Health

In addition to its usefulness in weight reduction, fiber, like that found in rye, has been shown to be useful for a number of different conditions. One of the most important properties of fiber is its ability to bind to toxins in the colon and then remove them from the body. When it binds to cancer-causing chemicals, fiber helps protect the cells of the colon from damage. This is one reason why a high-fiber diet has been shown to prevent colon cancer. When fiber binds to bile salts in the intestines and removes them from the body, the body is forced to make more bile salts. This is good, because the body must break down cholesterol to make bile. This explains why a good intake of fiber can help to lower high cholesterol levels.

Due to their high-fiber content, whole rye foods can help to prevent high blood sugar levels in diabetic patients, thereby helping with blood sugar control.

World’s Healthiest Foods Discussion of Rye

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4 thoughts on “Rye and Benefits to Diabetics

  • William D. (Bill) Neibert

    I have been to two large chain stores in my area and can no longer find seasoned RYKRISP. Could you tell me where I can find my favorite diet cracker? When I was a youngster my mother insisted on having it in the house on a continual basis. Now neither Safe, WINCO or Fred Meyers carry it and I am bummed to no end. They sold me some kind of substitute and it tastes like something my horses passed up at feeding time. I would gladly pay for it on line if I knew where to but y it. Please advise. If I can’t buy it please send me a free sample so I can lose some of this weight that I have put on over th Holidays. Thank you in advance.

    • tleavitt Post author

      Bill – We bought the brand but not the production, so have been working for 6 months to get production restarted down in Chicago. We’re hopefully ready to ship product by early Feb. That’s why you don’t see it in stores. Our initial distribution point will be Amazon to ensure national distribution. Do sign up for updates here at http://www.rykrisp.com or on Facebook (RYKRISP) and you’ll be first to know when and where to get.

      Thanks for wanting the product!

      All the best,
